Sunday, March 7, 2010

March Already?

I'm writing this entry, though I have nothing to say. After watching Julie & Julia (which was very good!) I was inspired to continue to blog - maybe one day people will really read this! Is there anyone out there reading this?
So, maybe I'll just summarize what's been going on in my life. I think last time I talked, I was writing about how lonely I had been feeling. This is getting better - perhaps when I wrote that I was in a very 'sorry for myself' kind of mood.
Lately, I have felt very under the weather - and I'm not referring to personal health. It's more spiritual. I mean, I'm tired, confused, burnt out. It's very confusing, because I don't know what's wrong at all. Funny, every time I say this, my mind says "then why aren't you praying about it?" So, I clearly need to pray about this. I've just been down, and I'm not sure where it's coming from. Now, I've said it, in front of all who read this (whoever that may be...) that I need to pray about this. I'll be sure to update on how that goes.
I have been very homesick, but today I received a care package from a dear friend of mine. It pretty much made my day - Seannerd does know how to make me smile!
I am so blessed to have so many caring and wonderful people in my life. To be totally fair, I've never had to 'just rely on God.' I've always had someone to talk with, to ask for prayer from, and to receive hugs from. I have been very blessed to always have some form of community. Now that I'm really thinking about it, God really pours out love on me through so many people. I am so lucky! At the same time, I need to seek after God more.
As reading lately, submerging myself into His Word will only bring good things into my life. This is a new challenge for me, and so far - pretty much pathetic. I maybe spend 20 minutes - at the max - everyday reading my Bible. So not only must my prayer life abound, but I must also soak myself in the Bible. This means that I need to spend less time on less important things. The first thing that comes to mind is Facebook.
My best friend Janelle doesn't have Facebook - and she made it through the whole Old Testament in the fall semester. This is so inspiring. So here is another thing I am going to change, right here in front of my (unknown) readers: I am going to spend 20 minutes a day on Facebook for all of this week, starting tomorrow. It will probably look like 10 mins in the morning and 1o mins in the evening. In the time I would normally spend doing nothing on Facebook, I will seek God through His Word and through prayer. Now I'm excited about this! I'll be sure to let you know how this goes.
I've been listening to some new music, Relient K being on the list of bands I've been checking out. I'm really enjoying two of their songs that I just bought: "High of 75" and "I So Hate Consequences." They both seem pretty fitting for my life right now, and the music is very stoking.
I am so thrilled, as my best earthly friend Dean (my pretend twin brother) is coming to visit next week. Oh, how I look forward to a hug from him!
That's pretty much a summary of what I'm up to lately. I'm thinking of dropping LBS because I'm not feeling challenged, and a friend and I are thinking of setting up some kind of small group/Bible Study for the next few weeks. I'm almost finished Fruit of the Spirit (final week now), and I'll be starting either "Becoming a Woman of Prayer" or "Pleasing God." I haven't decided yet. I also need to start serving - I'm not sure how. Must pray.
Goodnight - whoever you are.

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