Sunday, October 27, 2013

Self and Sexuality

If you've ever talked to me, you've probably found out that I'm really passionate about a relatively unorthodox topic. This passion is something I've always thought was a problem - because it can make others uncomfortable at times, it made me feel like my passion wasn't valid.

And then one day, something clicked for me. A passion is a passion. You're passionate about music. She's passionate about running. He's got a passion for writing. And mine is no different - it's a passion just like any other.

My passion is human sexuality. I love talking about sex, I love teaching others about sex, and I love learning new things about it. Don't be confused - my passion isn't necessarily having sex - it's the topic of sexuality. I love thinking about the concepts of gender, attraction, consent, body image, identity and sex in general. I love the idea of having a culture where sex is an openly talked about subject. I love the idea of living in a world where everybody is being sexually fulfilled. I love the idea of having a society that is not afraid to talk about sex and ask the harder questions that surround it. I believe that human sexuality should be talked about. Correct sexual education can save lives and proper sexual health can change lives

So I've been aware of this passion in my life for a pretty long time now. After I got past the giggly teenager phase, I discovered that sexual health is important to me, so I started reading and searching out others with the same interests. Soon I learned that there is a whole industry related to sexual health - I started daydreaming about teaching sex ed, about giving counsel to others, about being able to express my passion and help others through that. It fit so well with my passion for psychology and mental health that I started combining the passions and dreaming of being a sex therapist.

Yesterday, something magical happened. Yesterday, I did my first "gig" as a sexual health educator. Granted, it was at a retreat for my student group... But it was magical! I felt alive, I felt happy, I felt excited. As I yammered on about HPV, body image and sexual identity, I realized that I could do this every day for the rest of my life and love it.

I'll be honest - I'm not sure if I'll pursue a career as a sexual health educator, sexologist or sex therapist. I'd love to do any and all of those things, but I'm also passionate about a billion other things... I change my mind on the daily. But I'm also not going to ignore this passion. I think we have passions for a reason, and I believe that a passion for human sexuality is no different. I hope, with all my heart, that I can use this passion in the long run to change the world. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

ENFP Confessions #1

Trying to keep my thoughts on point is like trying to keep a wave on the sand. Honestly, sometimes I think the reason I talk to myself so much is because the thoughts don't fit in my head anymore. The other night, I didn't know my roommate was home and I was chatting away to myself. Later on, she got up to go to the bathroom and my face went BEET RED! She must think I'm crazy!

I'm just like Dory from Finding Nemo; enthusiastic and talking a mile-a-minute... except far less forgetful. Conversation is of extremely high importance to me, so I'm unlikely to forget the things you tell me.

My feelings and my ability to trust others? That's another confession for another time :) ENFP out!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Fall is definitely my favourite season. I love the cooler weather, the clothes, the colours, the smells, the FOOD... I love it all! This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, and I'm really appreciating having some downtime. Despite the fact that I'm not really doing anything for Thanksgiving, it seemed like an oh-so-appropriate time to make a list of the things I'm very thankful for.

  1. downtime
  2. salted caramel hot chocolate
  3. candles
  4. peace
  5. long talks with my mommy
  6. crunchy fall leaves
  7. cozy scarves
  8. my kitty!
  9. sleep (I seriously fell asleep at 10:30 pm the other night!
  10. "youngest" and her onion
  11. grace
  12. laughing with friends until your abs hurt
  13. eggs

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

Friday, October 4, 2013

September Favourites

I love lists, as you probably know, so I thought I would make a list of my favourite things from September! With pictures!

Studio pants from LuluLemon
these are seriously the most comfortable pants on the face of the earth. if it was socially acceptable, I would wear them every day.

Pumpkin Pecan Waffle Candles 
this is definitely my new favourite candle from Bath & Body Works. it smells like pie and happiness

Vanilla Almond Crunch Granola
this cereal, from Archer Farms, is amazing. if only it were a little healthier... 

Tennis Courts
Lorde's newest single from her album Pure Heroine is on repeat on my iPhone these days. Don't be weirded out by the incredibly creepy video. 

And here are two of my favourite moments from the last little while:

this is a shot from my dear friends Eric + Jessica's wedding in August. I absolutely love this picture. Credit goes to my amazing friend Kirsten Buyer Photography.

and this last picture is from the Fairtrade Town launch! Yes! that's right, Edmonton is now a Fairtrade town. It's hard to believe sometimes, when you're part of a movement, that the end goal will be reached. But this is proof that some ambition and a lot of hard work can change the world.