Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Stress

I know that when I get stressed out, the most important things are time with God, sleep and studying. Yet it feels like in this very stressful time, I do these things least of all! I feel like I'm living and breathing Paul's thoughts of doing what I do not want to do. I feel like in nearly every post on this blog, I'm talking about how much *more time I need to spend with God, and how I always do other things. Over the last year, the amount of time that I spend with God has increased a lot, but I know that it's not enough. For the next week, my friend M changed my facebook password so that I can't get on when I should be studying. It's still so easy to waste time. Why is it so easy to put other things first!? I've often wondered if it's because God doesn't always seem that tangible, and we need something responsive. And I know, God IS responsive. I'm just not always tuned into hearing Him. I have Bible Study tonight, and for once, I want to spend the HOUR before it praying and studying for the night. I know the beauty of prayer. I feel like an idiot sometimes, I really don't do what I want to. I signed up for some intercessory and spirit-lead sessions at Breakforth this year, and I'm hopeful that the Spirit will speak to me. I know that the Spirit doesn't need a place like Breakforth in order to speak to me, but sometimes it's hard to do on your own. Anyways, I should get back to studying. :)

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