Wednesday, May 7, 2014


About a year ago, I hit an incredible milestone. I had lost 100 pounds. I didn't use any programs, any diet pills or any juice cleanses. It was just me + myfitnesspal + paying close attention to what I was eating... and, obviously, exercise.

This was a huge accomplishment, and I was incredibly proud. It took me about a year and two months.

When school got out that spring, and I no longer had random gaps in my schedule, it became harder to go to the gym. I was also working more, which meant that I could afford to eat out more often. In addition to that, my anxiety began to grow (for seemingly no reason) and food became a comfort source once again for me. The pounds began to creep back up on me, and by the end of the summer I had put on about 40 pounds. That's TEN pounds a month.

When school started again in September, I committed to taking better care of myself again, but it became harder and harder as much anxiety blew itself completely out of control. Over the 8 months of school that just passed, I gained about 30 pounds. Which means I've gained 70 of that 100 pounds back - and I hate it. I want to get back into it. I'm in a wedding in August and I want to be happy to be in wedding pictures, not ashamed and hiding behind others.

So I've re-started my journey yesterday - it's hard because I'm going through a breakup and I'm broke. But there will always be excuses and I can't let that get in my way! Soooo... I've decided to start another series on my blog! /Weightloss/Workout Wednesdays! And today's post is about my three favourite ways to motivate yourself to work out.

Find a buddy: working out with friends, for me, means that a) I'll actually go to the gym and b) that I get to have fun while working out! I think it's been shown that working out with friends can really improve one's fitness.

Get some great music: I cannot do cardio without music. Right now, my go-to workout music includes Stars Dance (Selena Gomez), Fancy (Iggy Azalea) and Grown Woman (Beyonce).

Use an app: I use myfitnesspal (find me! my username is robineyy). It's an awesome, user-friendly app and website. It also syncs up with a Fitbit or newly a Jawbone Up (and I'm thinking of getting one!). It's great to have an online weight loss community to keep you accountable and it's also great to have as a guide for food and fitness.

So those are my re-motivation tips! What are yours?

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