Sunday, May 4, 2014

chill out!

I am SO excited to introduce a new series on my blog: mental health mondays! Like most of my ideas, this one came to me in the shower - I've been so excited + planning ever since! I'm starting off the series with my favourite ways to beat anxiety in the springtime!

As all y'all know, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and in general struggle with anxiety during the day-to-day. I think a lot of people deal with anxiety and in a lot of ways our society tells us that we need to perform + be at a standard that isn't really achievable. This creates so much stress and anxiety, and the problem is cyclical: the more anxious we become, the more our performance suffers, so we become even more anxious. We become anxious about controlling our anxiety (or at least I do!) and ensuring that we don't seem anxious. One awesome way to beat this cycle is to [essentially] take a time-out. Doing whatever you love is going to make everything a little bit easier. These are some of my favourite ways to take a time-out during those high anxiety times.

If you have five minutes: When I only have a short period of time to calm the hell down, I pour myself a large glass of water, listen to my favourite song + give myself a temple massage or practice deep breathing. I won't do any work or talk to anyone for the duration of the song and just focus on calming down and taking care of myself. Some mini-me-time.

If you have half an hour: When I have a real break, there are a few different de-stressers I like to hit up. Taking a quick, brisk walk really ups the endorphins and makes me feel better. Sometimes I'll watch a 20-minute episode of a tv show if I really need to be mindless. Other times I'll call one of my besties or my mom and get a quick pep-talk. It's ideal to find something that will distract you from the anxiety, and also get some happy-hormones flowing. Connecting with others, laughing at the Mindy Project + getting exercise are all great and non-time-consuming ways to do this!

If you have a few hours: When I have a free evening or a few free hours (especially if it's been a really high-anxiety day) I will hit up a hot yoga class. Yoga has been scientifically proven to ease anxiety - yoga stimulattes the vagus nerve. Calming down that flight or fight response is what really works to ease anxiety (more info here). If I don't have the $$, I'll practice a few simple positions at home and focus largely on deep-breathing. When I'm at home (in BC), a long walk by the ocean is another chilling-out favourite. Alternatively, if I'm super wiped out, I'll light a candle and watch a movie or read a book. Just taking that down time can really help with the "high anxiety exhaustion." 

Starbucks is always my fave back-up plan on stressful, busy days.
I'm so thrilled to be posting this first mental health monday post! if you have a topic you'd like me to write on for a mental health monday, tell me in the comments below! what are your favourite ways to deal with anxiety? I can't wait to announce more exciting changes for On the Shoreline - coming soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. The other day at work I was nearing a mental break and remembered this post and took my 5 minute break with deep breaths, and the world was bit less scary. Thanks!
