Sunday, November 13, 2011

I love...

(a list of things I love to help combat a sad + grumpy day - in no particular order.. except the first two!)

1. Jesus! (and the Father, and the Spirit).
2. my cat.
3. 2 Timothy 2:13 (thanks Ben!)
4. McKernan Baptist Church!
5. Fair Trade Certified
6. laughter
7. kids' movies. especially How to Train Your Dragon and Rio.
8. Courageous
9. yogurt
10. peanut butter
11. friends
12. late nights
13. dubstep
14. making cookies
15. eating cookies
16. Toms.
17. Make Poverty History
18. David Crowder Band
19. downhere
20. prayer
21. rest (Matthew 11:28)
22. my small group
23. clean teeth
24. a really big cup of Library tea with milk and honey.
25. tea in general
26. sunsets + sunrises
27. long weekends
28. genuine love
29. tigers
30. creation
31. the bible
32. mandarin oranges
33. big hugs from good friends
34. goldfish!
35. warm blankets
36. sleep
37. feeling the movement of the Spirit
38. green + orange
39. cheese!!!
40. smiling + getting other people to smile!

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