Thursday, July 3, 2014


there are 5 blogs that I faithfully check every single day for new content. one of these is the fairy princess dairies (check it out! it's fun and fabulous). jordyn, the author, constantly raves about being obsessed with gossip girl. a few weeks ago, I was home sick from work for two days and decided finally to cave and get netflix. and I decided to start my netflix addiction by binge watching gossip girl.

and I am OBSESSED.

to be honest, the first few episodes had me feeling pretty meh. I actually told my roommate that it was the dumbest show I'd ever seen and that I hated all of the characters. she left for work, and when she got back 8 hours later I was flipping out about how obsessed I was and how crazy it is. 

I've just finished season two and I have three main thoughts:

one: I have to add Blake Lively to my girl crush list. she's probably number two at this point. I feel like she is made of sparkles, joy and sunshine.
two: I am ashamed of how much I am like Blair Waldorf. I totally have a love-hate with her, and I'm [hopefully] not as plotting/manipulative/crazy as her... but I feel like I understand her pretty well. I hate to say it, but it's true. She frequently says things that match things I've said/thought. Here are two:

three: in a lot of ways, even though GG is totally over the top and ridiculous, the characters (however hateable) all reveal very true things about the world. like how true is this:

okay am I being crazy? you know you love me. xoxo, R


  1. Oh my gosh you are so adorable! Thank you for mentioning me, I am so flattered and so happy I could play a role into converting you to a gossip girl addict!!!!

  2. So, what you're saying is I should give GG another chance. I think I got until the 2nd episode of season 2 on a netflix binge, decided I needed a sanity break from the screen, and just never picked it back up.♦

    1. You should probably give it another chance!! It's definitely my guilty pleasure!
