Friday, January 13, 2012

Stress Leave

A few people have been asking me what's been up with me lately so I thought I'd just write a quick note to explain a little.
I am very tired. It is not the kind of "I'm not sleeping enough" tired (though I'm sure I could use more sleep!), but the kind of tired where the exhaustion spreads over everything. As many of you know, last semester was very stressful for me academically, relationally, schedule-wise, and more than anything spiritually. Christmas vacation was a lot of fun, but the trouble with going home for only 2 weeks a year is that you don't get to rest up while you're out of school. When I came back to Edmonton, my flight was followed by a first day at a new job and a full weekend. School started 3 days later.
I initially began the semester taking 5 classes, but since one of them was not going to count towards my major or my minor and included a lot of paper writing (which is time consuming!) I dropped it and decided to take 4. After realizing that I was wiped out and wanted to cry by the third day of school, I decided to reduce my course load down to 3 classes and to call this semester "stress leave."
My goal in taking a reduced semester is that I do not want to fill up all of my now "free time" with social justice and church work. As much as I love love LOVE both of those things, there is only so much of me to go around. I will be keeping my commitments to MPH and MBC at the same level they were last semester.
My other goal is to find _________. Whatever the blank is, I will find it in the hands of God. That is where I am headed this semester.
So, for those of you that will, I would appreciate prayer. I need God, I need my cup refilled. Other things I would appreciate? Good music suggestions and tea dates. :)

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