Hey everybody! Firstly, I just want to share with yous two verses that have been radiating in my heart all day. Whenever I read John 17, it brings me to tears (or really close to). To think that Jesus prayed for US. That He loved US enough to want to SHARE HIS GLORY. It's mind blowing, the love that is poured out in that short chapter. I'm so thankful that His love never changes!
Anyways, here it is: I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. John 17:22-23 ♥ Wow. I love You, my King!
So this week, I'm still plucking away at a Beth Moore Bible Study called Living Beyond Yourself. It is exploring the fruit of the spirit! I love how much God has shown me through this study. This week, I'm learning about faith.
Day one began with a discussion of God's faithfulness to us. It says that our faith is completely based upon His faithfulness. And it's so true! If God wasn't believable, true, would we have spent any time near Him? Also, He gave us a stamp of His faithfulness when He gave us His Spirit. Amazing, even though it's very basic stuff.
Today, it discussed some of the ways we can show faith to God. After reading through the "hall of faith" in Hebrews 11, it talked about God's Will. The Hebrew word for "will" (or maybe it was Greek, I cannot remember...), meant "not to be conceived as a demand, but as an expression or inclination of pleasure towards that which is liked, that which pleases and creates joy." So God being pleased with us is His Will, and our one calling is for Him to be pleased with us (completing His Will). Am I making sense? This AMAZES me!
Christians have faith in one of two things: in what God does, and in who God IS. It is important to only have faith in who He IS because if His actions are difficult for us (or if He chooses silence), we'll lose faith.
So these are the things I am being taught right now. I am also learning to surrender. Still. Is this lifelong?
I must now attend to some homework before I pass out for the night, and I've got to be up early(ish) for church, so... God Bless YOU!
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