Yo, homeslices!
Today I was reading in Mark 8. I saw some very valuable things, and I'd love to share them. I'd also like to share where I began to feel challenged.
PS, feelings are so messed up. I never know if I should trust mine or not!
Also, when I saw this picture, I teared up. Oh my GOD, I love You!
Okay, so the first thing that stood out to me was Verse 2, where Jesus says: I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat.
When I read this, I thought of a few things. I remembered a few months ago when I went through something traumatic, I tried to fast for 3 days. My body REJECTED the plan, and I got really sick. So, as I see it, 3 days is difficult. Yet here were 4000 people who'd been following Him for 3 days with (assumably) little to eat, and were continuing to follow Jesus around although they had nothing to eat (listening to Him and watching Him HEAL LIKE CRAZY must have been INCREDIBLE. I'm so thankful for the Bible). And these people had given up food, and how did Jesus feel about that?
Jesus took compassion on them.
That's my God.
Compassion, according to the dictionary definition, is "Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it." Jesus desires to relieve our suffering. For real, He just said it. This is amazing, I'm being continually blown away as I ponder what this means. I just grasped something.
Compassion give strength. Strength under testing, hard times. Times when God feels far, but really it's us.
It amazes me that the whole Bible seems to be a huge love letter from God saying "I LOVE YOU! I WANT TO SAVE YOU!" I mean, my pride kicks in and feels uncomfortable, but this is wild. Jesus is wild. And I love it.
Being a human is weird.
The place that I begin to struggle when it comes to Mark 8 is verses 33 and 34. I don't understand what it means to deny myself, or how. I also struggle with knowing when what I'm doing is His Will or not. Any advice?
My song of the day... or week, or something, is "Something Heavenly" by downHere. It's a gooder.
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