Thursday, April 24, 2014


Today, I finished my undergraduate degree. What a crazy feeling! I have been a student at the ualberta for 5 years - it's such a crazy time for change. I'm also going through a break up, getting involved at a new job, exploring new volunteer opportunities and trying new creativity projects. What a weird time in my life. Things feel out of control and stressful, but also exciting and energizing.

I know it's been a solid while since I've blogged. Firstly, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who reached out to me after my last post. Secondly, it was hard to imagine writing another post after a post that vulnerable. It's not like I could just pop in an ENFP confession and pretend I hadn't just bared my soul to all of the internet. But now that school is out and my life is going in a new direction, I'm hoping to find the time to blog more often - and maybe to give my blog a bit of a makeover & a new direction.

I just wanted to share these little updates, but also I wanted to have an excuse to sign my name:

Much love,

Robin Hansen, B.Sc.

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