You may have noticed that the headline under the title of my blog is "God is my victory and He is Here". It's a line from a hillsong song "Desert Song" that I love very much. That line always stood out to me a lot in worship - God has already won my battle. God is king of everything. God is my way to victory in every little battle against evil, and God is ALWAYS with me (Hebrews 13:5).
My last post not only spiked a lot of encouragement from the household of God (yup, that's you, church family (1 Timothy 3:15)), but also a lot of prayer. And let me tell you, victory has never been closer. While I still have baggage to sort through and hand to God (not sure what that looks like yet), I also feel encouraged. I feel strong. I can take this on. I mean really, I can do ANYTHING through Him who gives me strength (phil 4:13).
Let me tell you what I know - this comes from a Bible Study I just finished through Beth Moore called "Believing God"
God is who He says He is
God can do what He says He can do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things through Christ
God's word is alive and active in me
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm believing God. No matter what it takes. God will get me through. God will take me full circle (to my Gilgal). And one day, my theology WILL meet my reality. I'm not afraid. I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to take control of me.
I'm believing God.