So, today begins Lent. And quite a strange season I am found in this Lent! I decided to give up Facebook, #1. Since you don't have to fast on Sundays, I've decided to be allowed to check it for 10 minutes on Sundays. The problem is not Facebook, the problem is that I spend more time on face than in prayer. So there's that. I'm also going to be reading through Romans 12 prayerfully every morning. There's a couple other smaller things I'm doing, but then there's a bigger one.
I've liked the same guy since September. It's starting to get ridiculous, I'm insane about him. So I decided to give him up for Lent. Basically, this doesn't mean I don't spend friends time with him, but it means every time I think of him or daydream or feel sad that he doesn't like me back, I'm going to pray for him, and ask God to redirect my feelings to Him.
I hope it works out.
2 Corinthians 10:5b - Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.
PS - in relation to my last post... I started further! I gave my testimony at our C&C last weekend. It wasn't THAT hard. Actually, it feels kind of nice to know that everyone knows my heart now, and where I'm coming from. I'm somewhat relieved. In other (more serious) news, I gave my best friend M my full testimony - the one with the part you just don't share in a group setting. It was really hard. But again, it's relieving to have her know, you know?
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