Saturday, June 26, 2010

To Leave, Return Home and Leave

I realized that it's been nearly a month since I posted anything.

I don't have much to say. A couple of weeks ago, I got caught in one of Satan's nets. It was a dreadful task, noticing that I had been snared by fear, laziness, lack of desire, and more doubt (among other things). I received prayer/prayed, and I think I'm being picked back up by Jesus. It hurts, it takes effort, and it's challenging, but I am seeing light everywhere as I get closer and closer.

I'm moving back to Edmonton in 4 days, and I couldn't be more stressed. God has, however, been taking care of me, and I'm certain he'll find somewhere for me to live. I know it will be ok, and I have seen amazing answers to prayer! Praise God!

Well, I must get back to reality. I'll hopefully have more to say in the future?

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