I've been really enjoying yoga these days! I love the feeling of awareness of my whole body it gives me. I've also become and organic/fair trade junkie, and I'm currently reading through the book of Acts. I'm looking at leading a small group through my church this year. I'm really longing for intimacy with God, through the Holy Spirit. I finally dropped off that healing prayer application this morning, and I'm hoping to finally deal with the more painful parts of my past.
Now for the part that's really affecting me lately. Recently, one of my friends confessed a sin to me - but she didn't really seem to find it a big deal, and planned to go on with it. She wasn't sorry, she just brought it up. So, after some very prayerful consideration, I decided to confront her on it. It got blown up - the evil surrounding my friend attacked me and protected her. It was terrifying. She ended up telling me to leave, or she'd call the cops. In this aftermath, I'm afraid our friendship won't be rekindled. It's sad, and my chats with God about it lead me to believe that I didn't say anything wrong, so I have to stick to my guns. I can't apologize for what I said if I believe it's true, and that I was supposed to tell her. Being a compulsive apologetic, this is tough. I'm thinking of telling her that I'm sorry about how it made her feel, and that I don't want to lose our friendship over this. I also think that with what she's going through, she needs as many loving friends as she can find. Ugh.
Anyways. I'm trying to spend less time on the internet, so I must go, but I will do my best to blog more often. Routine is coming! haha. September 8th is not too far away!