Oh, man. I feel like I'm getting a sense of God's heartbreak. Let me explain.
My very, very best friend is a guy who I call my twin brother. Even though Dean and I only met just over a year ago, we are extremely tight. He's the only person that I know like the back of my hand. We've had a few kinda rough times, but as he likes to say, I'm "stuck with him." I love him to pieces, but right now he's breaking my heart.
A few weeks ago, Dean was the lead in his high school's musical, so he was too busy to keep up the texting and talking. Suddenly, he was altogether ignoring me. I was starting to really worry, and he wasn't replying to any of my texts. I texted him from my friend's phone, and he responded right away. I told him it was me, and then he ignored me again!
He's still ignoring me. It's so painful. And while I was praying about it, I felt like God was kinda just raising His Heavenly Eyebrows, in a sort of "I go through that daily, and tenfold" way. I realized that this must be similar to what God feels when we ignore Him, when we take our road instead of His.
Plus, God's heartbreak is a billion times larger than mine. If my heart is hurting this badly over my brother pushing me out of his life, I don't even comprehend how much it must hurt a Father who loves us so when most of the world, followers and non-followers, push Him away. How sorry I feel for all of the times I've done that to God.
This reminds me of Genesis 6:6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.
Oh, God, I am so sorry.